Sunday, December 22, 2024
CoachingCourtside ConversationsGeneralPodcast

Great Clubs and Coaches do these

I want to share with you this great article by Dan Abrahams
It was originally posted on Linkedin

Dan Abrahams

Dan Abrahams, Sport Psychologist is the voice behind The Sport Psych Show.

His work involves helping individuals and teams in high-performance environments.  Much of his work concerns performing under pressure, leadership, team building, skill acquisition, well-being, organisational culture, and coaching practice.

Dan also is the host of The Sport Psych Show.   I recommend that to click the link and listen to Dan and his guest guests.

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If Dan worked with your club or organisation this is a list of things that he might promote

–  How many are you already doing ?

–  How many would you be comfortable answering questions about ?

–  How many do you need to start adopting by making changes to your culture and coaching style ?


I’m very interested in understanding more about numbers 3, 11, 10 and 15


Which ones spark your interest?
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  1. Player (and coach) well-being starts with environmental strategies (not isolated individual well-being strategies)
  2. Player engagement may be your most important thing…try to engage every player
  3. Avoid telling low agreeable players what to do…negotiate with them, and hold them accountable for the processes derived from that negotiation
  4. If you want to help players improve then learn how to teach…otherwise you won’t help them improve as much as you are able
  5. If you’re invested in winning then use retrieval strategies in your coaching (otherwise players will forget patterns and plans).  Players start to forget things immediately by the way.
  6. Optimal leadership is (probably) both transformational and transactional…it’s probably never not transactional but it’s probably more transformational than transactional (it’s complex!)
  7. If you wanna win then you better learn about mental skills…if you don’t wanna learn about mental skills then I don’t reckon you wanna win as much as you say or think you wanna win
  8. If you conflate leadership and teamship…just stop that!  To lead is to influence while to team is to support.  Teach players to team more so than to lead because it’s easier!
  9. Embrace vulnerability rather than ignore vulnerability
  10. Help players find optimal motivational patterns…because multiple things help activate human beings (not just winning or high performance)
  11. Assistant coaches are the most important people at the organisation for a head coach
  12. Try to avoid thinking in black and white…player engagement, development and performance is a craft that lies in the grey
  13. Coaches, put your well-being as a priority
  14. If you coach team invasion sports learn to love the cognitive side of performance. The secret of the greats possibly lies in anticipation and decision-making
  15. There’s a difference between knowledge-of the game and knowledge-in the game.  Teach players both!
  16. Get players involved as often as possible. Become a great facilitator and negotiator
Final words from Dan

“Enjoy yourself… because getting coaching right every second of every activity and every game… every day is impossible.

So don’t try.

Be vulnerable yourself as a coach…after all, you’re as human as your players



Dan Abrahams

Dan Abrahams, Sport Psychologist is the voice behind the The Sport Psych Show

He is great at demystifying sport psychology for players, coaches and parents by speaking with some of the most influential people in sports performance today.

A former professional golfer and PGA qualified, Dan has a First Class Honours degree in Psychology and a Masters degree in Sport Psychology. He is registered with the Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC), meaning he is an accredited psychologist and bound by the HCPC’s code of conduct which emphasises confidentiality, evidence of professional development, safe practice, and standards of proficiency.

Dan helps people of all ages and at all levels achieve their performance goals.  Whatever your performance goals are, whether professional or recreational, at grassroots or the elite level, Dan can help you achieve them.

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Badminton Coaching Tips
More courtside conversations

As always, I’m very grateful if you have read this far 🙂

Please go to his Podcast, you will not be disappointed, The Sport Psych Show

Do you agree with the points above, why not send me an email


This is part of a series of conversation starters. 

Although not in detail, the posts are written to get you thinking and talking with others.