Monday, November 4, 2024
Coach EducationCoachingCourtside Conversations

Experience being an assistant badminton coach

How often do you assist another coach?
Give it a try, there can be plenty to experience
Working with another coach is different – be careful!

Why not reach out to someone you know who you haven’t ‘assisted’ before and ask them to work with you?  Or swap roles with a coach and support them for a few sessions.

This post will explore how to set up the opportunity, look at some of the behaviours to be aware of, and explore the benefits and challenges.

Being an assistant doesn’t just apply to coaching players
Coach Developers/Assessors should also try assisting each other

No matter your level of expertise, go and work as an assistant to someone else.  Working as an assistant badminton coach has many benefits, some obvious, some you may not realise.

This applies regardless of the experience of the other coach.  Please don’t dismiss the idea just because you believe that the other coach isn’t as knowledgeable as you.

I found it surprising that there is always something to discover or spark your interest no matter who you work with.  Even after 30 yrs on court, it’s great to see how other people coach (work).  But be aware, it can be a tough process!

It may sound easy, but it can be challenging, for both coaches
How to set up the opportunity

This isn’t always easy and some coaches may look at your request to assist with suspicion.  In my experience, it’s not a normal thing for a coach to ask, often people wait to be asked rather than proactively create the scenario.

Of course, both coaches can ask.

It’s not dependent on the level of expertise or expertise that decides who asks first.  It’s your desire to learn and share that should drive you.  Ask because you want the experience.

Ask without expectation.
A “sorry I can’t today” must be expected
Value the responses no matter how few they are
How to behave
Assistant badminton coach
  • When you are assisting do your best to follow the requests from the main coach.
  • Offer help “What would you like me to do?“,  “How I can best help you?“,  “What should I reinforce?
  • If you have moments when you feel resistant to the aspects being promoted stay calm, and consider why you are causing yourself to feel as you do.
  • Unless the practice places people in danger either physically or mentally try to find value in it.
  • Ask probing questions, but don’t expect a reply there are then.
  • Don’t undermine the coach and cause confusion with the players.
Watching someone work and at the same time assisting them provides an experience not many coaches seek out
The benefits and challenges
  • Creates possibilities for new perspectives – would you want that?
  • Opportunities for both coaches to ask a question of each other – what’s the best time for these?
  • A chance for reflection/consideration – often easier to say than do!
  • You are placed in an assistant (supporting) role – how comfortable will you be?
  • The ‘lead’ coach needs to lead and include/involve the assistant – are you willing to ask the assistant about your performance?
The benefits of coach cooperation don’t always happen easily – be prepared to be open and to be challenged
Your challenges
  • Ask a fellow coach to come and work with you – who will you ask and what will you say?
  • Try working as an assistant and staying supportive – what will you do if you disagree with the practice type or content?
  • At the end of the session have a conversation- take your time, don’t rush, and try to find value from it
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If you want to read more click on this image

How to Improve your CollaborationThe post is all about how to improve your collaboration.  How to be inquisitive, ask great questions, share without expectation and use a decision framework.  It will help you be a better assistant badminton coach.

Plus why it’s important to test any new information on the court and in a game!

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Badminton Coaching Tips
Recent courtside conversations

As always, I’m very grateful if you have read this far 🙂

Do you agree with all the points above, how often do you offer to assist another coach?

It would be great to hear what conversations you and your assistants have.

Why not send me an email

This is part of a series of conversation starters. 

Although not in detail, the posts are written to get you thinking and talking with others.

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