Saturday, July 27, 2024
Advice I wish I'd known soonerCoachingTeaching Methods

The advice I wish I’d known sooner as a Badminton Coach – Introduction

I’ve been extremely lucky to meet many great coaches who have given me tips, hints and advice
 If you want to go straight to the list click here
badminton coaching advice
click to read more

Many of these points only became apparent through my struggles when trying to help players and when talking with other coaches.  I was in need of some effective badminton coaching advice.

I’ve been reflecting on what works and what doesn’t.

There will be plenty to try out, consider and comment on.  Some of the information applies to beginners, others to coaching individuals or group sessions.

There are also ones that may change your coaching philosophy.

Plus I hope that some challenge your thinking as they did mine when I first heard them!

I guarantee that they all work
My hope is that they will give you a fresh outlook on coaching
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The simple, straight forward, actionable advice that I like the best
The origins of the list
My promise to you
What do you think is important for new coaches to know?
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The simple, straight forward, actionable advice that I like the best

You may think that much of the information is very obvious to you.

It certainly does to me now, but it didn’t at the start of my coaching journey.  It’s taken me over 30 years of coaching and working with some great coaches to compile this list.

So, a big thanks to all of them who have influenced me 🙂  Their badminton coaching advice has made a huge difference to how I think about the things I do.

These things weren’t obvious to me when I started
despite attending lots of Coach Education courses

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The origins of the list
Badminton Coaching Tips
Click here to see all everything

I’ve sat down and emptied my mind.  I’ve tried to remember all the things that I wished I’d known when I first started coaching.

Many of these points came from direct instructions, often from my mentor Roger Mills.  Others come from my observations while working with other coaches.  Then there are the points that only became apparent through my struggles when trying to help players.

I’m certainly thankful for my inquisitive mind, without it I’m sure I would just be repeating my practices day in, day out no matter who I was coaching!

Unlike my other posts, this page will not go into great depth and there will not be lots of information.  I will try to link to other posts that will help or in time I’ll write more information to help you.

Many of these tips weren’t in the coach education course I took
 In fact, I think many still aren’t 🙂

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My promise to you

By following these suggestions I guarantee that your coaching will become more efficient.

Your players will develop faster, become error-proofed, find learning new skills easier and love the journey with you.  My aim is to bring you effective badminton coaching advice.

I wish I’d known these things at the start of my journey 🙂

Of course, you may have your own thoughts and disagree with my ideas.  I want to hear from you.

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What do you think is important for new coaches to know? 
This is a discussion I think we all should be contributing to

If you have been coaching for more than 5 years then I’m sure you will have thoughts about the things you wished you knew at the start.

Here are some questions for you to consider:

  • Did the information you received on your coach education course still help you after 12 months?
  • Have you ever felt that your coaching became stale or you felt disillusioned?  What did you do to find inspiration?
  • What tips have you ‘discovered’ for yourself?
  • What questions came into your head that you couldn’t answer?
  • Have you ended up coaching in a style just like you were coached as a player?

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My advice to You
badminton coaching advice
Click to read the complete list

Here are my first 3 things I wished I’d known when I started.  Badminton Coaching advice I really needed at the start.

The list is growing!! 


Click on the image to jump straight to the long list where you will find ideas waiting for you

What advice would you add to the list, send me your top 5    😉

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