Thursday, September 19, 2024
Advice I wish I'd known soonerCoach Education

BWF Coach awards are important

Why should attend the BWF Coach awards?
Here are some reasons why they are important to your coach development
The information you need

Did you know that if you want a coaching position in nearly all European countries you will need a BWF qualification, preferably BWFL2 or BWFL3

Your Country may have its own qualification structure (in the UK it’s called the UKCC) but often it’s only recognised in that Country.  If you are ambitious to work in Europe nearly all job adverts I see require BWFL 2.  I’d expect that to be a BWFL3 in a few years time.

On balance and given the requirements from most countries it’s the best system out there for these reasons.


How many coaching qulaifications will you take over your lifetime?
I recommend that to add the BWF courses to your CV
5 reasons why you should take the BWF awards
21 BWF things you need to know
  1. The BWF coaching qualifications are recognised worldwide – it’s a requirement by many National Governing organisations.  I expect nearly all to ask for  Level 2 or 3  Badminton Europe job adverts
  2. If you are an ex-player – The BWF series of courses, Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 is a well thought through system of coach education.  Every 2 years BWF guide ex-players through a specially designed course for players who reached a WR of 100 or above (criteria may vary)
  3. It will add to your knowledge – Most coaches only take 2, 3 or rarely 4 maximum qualifications in their coaching lifetime.  OK, there are other ways of increasing your knowledge, but why pass up the chance to learn that little bit more?
  4. Different ways to enjoy the experience –  Look on the Badminton Europe website for courses throughout Europe.  Alternately coaches can go to the European Summer School and take a course over 5/6 intense days.
  5. You could become a BWF Tutor – You will need at least a Level 1 and it will help if you have the ShuttleTime Teachers/Trainers.  Becoming a Tutor will provide you with income and an opportunity to further develop your coaching skills. BE Tutor news.
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Badminton Coaching Tips
Most recent courtside conversation

As always, I’m very grateful if you have read this far 🙂

Do you think the BWF Coach Education system is a worthwhile experience?  Please let me know what you think.

Why not send me an email