Thursday, September 19, 2024
ChallengesCoach EducationCourtside ConversationsTeaching Methods

£100,000 to improve your coaching

How would you spend this money on your coach development?
Do you know what your next steps are?

I was with a group of coaches waiting at an airport and we started talking, someone asked …..

If you had £100,000 to spend on your coach development what would you choose?
(but you must split it 3 ways!!)
The rules 🙂
  • It can be as selfish as you like or you can share the experience
  • There is no limit on the time period
  • There must be at least 3 different experiences
£100,00 for coach development
What happened

It certainly produced a lively debate and discussion.  Some people were accused of only picking visits to Thailand because of the food and weather 🙂

Others found it much harder than they thought to split it 3 ways, especially finding 3 different themes.

Would you find it easy to decide how to spend the £100,000?


What did people choose?

coach developmentThe most common reply was to visit different badminton hot spots- Dk, Mal, Thai, Indo, even China!  A few coaches thought about going to emerging nations such as France.

Everyone spoke about staying a minimum of 3 – 4 weeks in each to get fully immersed.

Employing or shadowing a mentor was another theme.  People felt that being able to spend active and quiet time with an experienced coach/mentor would be interesting and could throw up some surprising insights.

One person wanted to put £60k into starting an academy.  However, they weren’t sure how far that would go, who they would employ to help them or if it would end up being hard work.

No one offered to share the experience with another coach.

The responses
  • Visit national training centres ie. Brondby x 2 every year
  • Mentoring (ongoing for 2yrs) from Kenneth Jonassen for example
  • Mentoring from a sports psychologist
  • Employ someone to help them create better questions
  • To spend 4 weeks with Victor in Dubai or a week with Anders Antonsen in Dk
  • Find an S&C badminton expert and ask what I could/should do
  • Start my Badminton Academy also use it to educate coaches as well as train players
Why I enjoyed the task
  • Sometimes we forget to consider our next step in our coach development
  • It’s great to dream as some things can be more realistic than we first imagined
  • Why limit your thinking !!!
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Badminton Coaching Tips
Most recent courtside conversation

As always, I’m very grateful if you have read this far 🙂

I’d like to hear how you would spend the £100,000.

What would you do and would it be an easy decision?

Why not send me an email


This is part of a series of conversation starters. 

Although not in detail, the posts are written to get you thinking and talking with others.