Tuesday, October 22, 2024

A Year On Tour With Vittinghus

Hans-Kristian Solberg Vittinghus (HKV) Podcast

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Have you listened to this excellent, honest and insightful podcast?
I recommend that you do.  Listen for these treasures
  • honest thoughts from Hans-Kristian
  • what it's like to be a pro player and rankings
  • tactical ideas and how Hans-Kristian prepares for opponents
  • the constant physical battle
  • the importance of the mental side
My favourite episodes so far ... click on each to hear more
Fernando Rivas

fernando rivas HKVIf you have any interest in what it takes to produce world class in badminton (or any individual sport for that matter) - this is the episode for you!

Fernando Rivas, who is the coach behind the success of Carolina Marin, shares a wealth of knowledge on his coaching philosophy, how he and his team works with Marin and what is needed to create an environment where world-class can thrive.

Carolina MarínThe story being Carolina Marin and Fernando is quite unique!

Have you watch the Amazon series that is an insight into how the par work, the stresses, the highlights, the drive that keep them both seeking the highest achievements.

If you're only going to listen to one of the HKV episodes - let it be this one!


Anders Antonsen

Anders Antonsen and HKVIn this episode, Anders Antonsen talks about confidence and how it's important,  a very honest assessment of his mindset.

When HKV asked him about his self-confidence, Anders says "Why wouldn't I be confident?  I've always been very good at badminton!"

He excels on the big occasions, but in no way does Anders think he knows it all, he's just confident in finding the right solutions with the team around him and in this podcast you get the full explanation behind why that is.

They also discuss the importance of having a training set up like he does at the Danish National training centre and how the constant sparring and pressure has animated him to do better.

Anders Antonsen YoutubeThen they finish with a chat about YouTube vlogs.  You can find them all here.

Steen Schleicher Pedersen

BadmintonandyHK is joined by the former head coach of the Danish national team and current World Tour commentator.

They look back at his coaching career which is well known for his great results, but also some of the tough and controversial choices he's had to make along the way.

Steen Schleicher PedersenThey also take a look at the current situation on the competitiveness of international women's singles.  Steen Schleicher Pedersen shares a lot of brilliant insight and takes as to why women's singles is more competitive than ever.

Finally, Steen gives some great answers to a few listener questions, like what his most memorable commentating experience is and which non-Danish player he would have loved to work with as a coach.


Jan Ø. Jørgensen

BadmintonandyIn this episode Jan Ø. Jørgensen reveals why he actually hates that epic 108-shot rally against Tien Minh Nguyen at the World Championships in 2013!

They discuss Jan's recent decision to call an end to his international career later this year, talk about all of his big and historic wins over the past 10 years. They discuss how his game and playing style has evolved a lot throughout his career.

It's a great listen to from a cool guy who set high standards for himself and yet was still able to be reflective and happy about life, losses and the bigger picture as a badminton player and teammate

Jan also shares several fun stories from his many years on the tour and he finally reveals which of all the hairstyles he has had, is his favourite one!

Tine Baun

Badminton andyListen to a fantastic chat when HKV talks with Tine Baun about her perfect career stop by winning the All England in 2013.

Tine also shares what kept her going until her major breakthrough finally came at the age of 28, just as she shares how she managed to deal with a ruptured achilles tendon and some major disappointments at the World Championships 2011 and Olympic Games 2012.

She gives her views on topics like how women's singles has evolved, what she wants to pass on to the younger generations, why sparring with boys isn't always easy and what her ambitions are for the future.

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Introduction to A Year On Tour   3 min
A short introductory episode to let everyone know more about what you can expect from this podcast series. You’ll also get to know how you can get in touch with Hans-Kristian for suggestions or any other kind of feedback.
Malaysia Masters - Out In Round 1   12 min

Final episode of the Malaysia Masters week. Recapping HKV's first-round performance against Lu Guangzu.  Also replying to a listener question about the effects of my #betterin2020 campaign.

Indonesia Masters - Special guest  Anders Skaarup Rasmussen  26 min

An episode from Jakarta at the Indonesia Masters. with the first episode with a guest.  The one and only Anders Skaarup Rasmussen.  HKV says that he is quite possibly the funniest guy on tour!

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Hans-Kristian needs and deserves our support

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More interviews with Hans-Kristian


Badminton Podcasts

I recommend that you also check out these other great interviews from The Badminton Podcast guys, Jeff and Henry

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