Saturday, July 27, 2024

BWF Tutor Documents

Calling all BWF Level 1 Tutors, do you want to
  • increase the effectiveness of feedback
  • save time during the course
BWF Level 1 online
BWF Level 1 online
Why should a Tutor complete this
  • Experience exactly what your coaches will do prior to the course in order to be ready for the conversations
  • It will save you time in the ‘classroom’ elements, time you can then use for more practical experiences
  • On completion, candidates can download a certificate as proof of their success
  • It’s self-marking, therefore reducing Tutor time during the course πŸ™‚
  • Allow 2- 3 hours in you read everything and watch every video.Β  It can be completed in chunks as it remembers where you finished each time
  • Have you completed it yet?Β  πŸ™‚


Download these documents for free
BWF documents
BWFL1 Theory Questions
Why use this type of assessment
  • Self-marking, therefore reducing Tutor time during the course – no marking required by the Tutor πŸ™‚
  • Candidates will complete in their own time prior to the start of the course
  • 100% success is required (without the Tutor needing to check each answer)
  • Modules do not show results until all questions are completed – limiting guesswork
  • Candidates will be required to read the manual to find all the required information
  • Can be emailed back to the tutor prior to the course or taken during the course on their own time acting as a record of achievement
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BWF Level 1
BWF Tutor feedback form & Candidate assessment record
Why use this type of assessment record
  • Allows the Tutor to give selective feedback and collate it all in one document
  • Provides evidence of completion of every section of the course
  • Provides the Candidate with ongoing feedback (in yellow), therefore creating an opportunity for ‘in-course’ development
  • Post-course analysis concerning appeals (failure to pass) is assisted by the written feedback
  • Reduces Tutor time in compiling feedback – structure provided, bulleted points encouraged, all in one place document
  • Provides all candidates with written long-lasting feedback
All candidates deserve feedback that is effective immediately and as a guide for the next 12 months
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BWFL1 Tutor
BWF Level 1 Candidate Assessment
Why use this electronic assessment sheet
  • Tutor comments are not limited to the space provided by paper assessments
  • Tutor can use prepared generic type comments and phrases
  • Assessment notes can be shared with other Tutors within the course, Candidates and Overseeing organisations post course
  • All assessments are stored electronically for future retrieval
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Please let me know if you are a BWF Tutor and find these documents helpful.Β  Do they help you achieve the aims above, I hope so.

If you find any errors or areas for improvement within either of the documents please email me, I really want to hear your thoughts.

email me atΒ  Β