Saturday, July 27, 2024
ChallengesCoach QuestionsFootworkMovementStances

Badminton Stances – what do you see?

What do you see when you watch this great Tai Tzu Ying video below?
Now is your opportunity to watch the footwork and to understand how important badminton stances are
The advantages they bring to movements skills are often overlooked or not valued
Watch the video, try the questions, think about what you see
at the end of the post click the links to read more
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1.  How many different stances can you see?
2.  Can you identify and name them?
3.  Which part of the court do the stances happen?
4.  How many times does Tai Tzu Ying split in the direction she eventually moves?
5.  How many movements do not use preparatory stances?
6.  How many shots do you think are in the rally?  29,  39,  49
7.  What is the total distance covered by  Tai Tzu Ying?   57m,  87m , 107m

Badminton stats of a single rally

The facts (click to see & download)
Lots of badminton Stances

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If you want to read more  follow the links below

The Importance of StancesBadminton StancesThis is a shorter post, probably a 4 min read. It will tell the story of my first encounter with my mentor Roger Mills and the things I witnessed.  I’ll explain the questions I asked and how he responded.

This was the start of my understanding, I just wish I’d seen this earlier.

The information I learned is still applicable today, some 30 years later.



Badminton Stances6 Ways to use stances in your badminton movement: This post is aimed at players.  It will take about 6 mins to read and covers some fundamental points about badminton stances, especially in singles movements.

What they are, why you should use them, when they happen, and how you can practice them.

Plus why it’s all about the tactical choice you make before your opponent strikes the shuttle.

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