Saturday, July 27, 2024

Decision making in Badminton practices

I’ve written 2 posts for you
One aimed at Players and the other Coaches.   Click on either of the images and take a look at the ideas.
Decision-making practices for Players
Badminton decision making
Decision-making practices for Coaches


The Players post is slightly shorter and full of simple ideas to use in practice


The Coaches post gives you background information and also challenges you to think about the practices you currently design.

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Before you read the posts why not take a moment to think about these questions

How many decisions do you make in practice, in situations where you –

..  are able to anticipate what could happen when you look over the net

..  try to intentionally influence what the opponent may choose to do

..  understand if you made the ‘correct’ choice and gained an advantage by your decision

..  review the session based on how much you correctly or incorrectly anticipated or influenced situations

Do you think it’s possible to improve a players decision-making skills?
If you do, what are you intentionally doing in practice to introduce, develop and then enhance this essential skill?

After reading each post I would love to hear your thoughts.

Send me a comment on the post or directly to

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It’s been a tough journey for me

When I first started coaching I was completely unaware that I could even include decisions into the practices.

I had no idea that this was even a skill that could be practised and targeted to develop. I thought that just mastering strokes would be enough. I assumed that a technically perfect player would become a winning player.

It was not until I met Roger Mills (my mentor) that I became aware of the importance of allowing for and deliberately including these aspects into every practice.


I hope that you can find some common ground with me as this is a subject I passionately believe in
However, if you start shouting at your phone or computer as you read my words, that’s ok 😉

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It’s your reactions and thoughts I need
  • Are you just reproducing the same routines, drills, multi programmes that you did as a player or found on Facebook/YouTube?
  • Do your routines and multi-sessions develop great decision-making skills?
  • Do your players chase shuttles or know how to seek advantages and constrain opponent choices?
  • Are you producing physical/technical ‘Trainers’ or ‘Players’?
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I want to challenge your thinking!
I often worry about how to communicate my thoughts with coaches regarding this subject
I feel that there is almost a complete lack of attention given to increasing and improving a players ability by incorporating ‘game-like’ decision-making opportunities
professor mark williams utah
I recommend that you listen to this

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What do you think ????
Which of the 2 posts will you read next?
Badminton decision making
Decision-making Practices for Players
Badminton decision making
Decision-making practices for Coaches

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As always, I’m very grateful if you have read this far 🙂
I hope you enjoy the suggestions.
I’d love to hear your views, so why not send me an email?

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